Health News


  • Maintain a Strong Immune System
  • Take the annual vaccines work for some virus infections.
  • Eat Healthily
  • Take Your Vitamins
  • Wash Your Hands Often and Sanitize.
  • Get Enough Sleep

encephalitis is a serious condition affecting the brain that requires prompt treatment to lower the risk of lasting complications or death.

  • Keep your vaccinations up to date, especially when traveling to areas known to have encephalitis-causing viruses.
  • Use proper hygiene and hand-washing to help prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria.
  • Avoid mosquito and tick exposure.

With age, it may cause…

  • Hypertension.
  • High percentage of fat in blood vessels.
  • Diabetes.
  • breathing crises.
  • Arthritis.
  • Psychological disorders.
  • Diseases of the liver.

Therefore, it should be the child’s main meal of the day.

  • 1/2 vegetables.
  • 1/4 whole grain like corn or rice.
  • 1/4 protein.

Lack of attention to oral health and hygiene may affect the ability of the mouth
children to focus and cause insomnia and erratic behavior of studying.
Therefore, children should not drink too much soft drinks and juices that contain a large amount of sugar and replace it with water.
And you should also take care of brushing your teeth twice a day for a period of time Two minutes using a fluoride toothpaste.

Noradrenaline *norepinephrine*

Noradrenaline is the main neurotransmitter of the sympathetic nervous system. We associate this with our fight-or-flight mechanism and moderation of other physical actions such as heart rate and blood pressure. Too little noradrenaline and we become sleepy and lethargic. Too much and our thoughts run away with us, we become twitchy and nervous, our hands and feet go cold and our blood pressure climbs.


Endorphins are both hormones and neurotransmitters and they can pack a punch. We have at least 20 different types of endorphins some of which are more powerful than morphine. We tend to release endorphins when we’re under stress or in pain. The higher the level of endorphin, the less pain we feel and the more relaxed, even euphoric, we can become. Foods like chocolate or chilli peppers enhance the secretion of endorphins.


Dopamine is our arousal and stimulation neurotransmitter. We associate dopamine with rewards as it controls our appetite for sex, eating, pleasure and even creative thinking. Too little dopamine can lead to depression, but too much can lead to dependence on the agent doing the stimulating.


Serotonin is all about serenity and hopefulness in moods. The latest generation of SSRI drugs aim to increase levels of serotonin within the brain. Low levels of serotonin are associated with depression.

Glutamate & GABA

Glutamate and GABA can be thought of as mainstay neurotransmitters. They slog away in high concentrations within the brain where one (glutamate) is the throttle and the other (GABA) acts as the brake. Glutamate has an important role in learning and memory, but too much and it can lead to agitation, impulsive behavior and even violence. GABA has the opposite effect. It increases our levels of tranquility by inhibiting too much nerve activity.